이해 관계자 커뮤니케이션

With reference to the five principles of AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000 SES) (responsibility, influence, tension, diverse perspectives, and dependency), Nuvoton Technology inventoried the 7 major stakeholder groups, from which 6 important stakeholder groups were identified, including employees, customers, suppliers/contractors, government agencies/associations, shareholders/investors, as well as communities and NGOs. Diverse public communication channels have been established at the Company to faithfully capture the stakeholders’ topics of concern and their specific feedbacks so as to respond to the suggestions of stakeholders in a timely manner.

Stakeholder CommunicationEN

A complete grievance mechanism is established at the Company. The responsible units collect and manage grievances, which are tracked by corresponding management units. Any major incident is to be deliberated on the respective functional committees. As for the material sustainability topics, the Sustainable Development members shall aggregate the execution results of ESG performance metrics and the material sustainability topics of the year, which are included in the agenda of the board meeting for communication and feedbacks to the Board. The Sustainability Committee reported the results of ESG performance metrics and the material sustainability topics of the year on the board meeting in November 2022.

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