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Product  Application  Seminar  Watch time - 3:45
Introduce Nuvoton's GUI solution. Nuvoton GUI platform supports TFT-LCD with different interfaces and resolutions. The platform includes low power, high-performance MCUs (microcontroller), and MPUs (microprocessor) with built-in high-density DDR and graphics accelerator. We provide emWin, LVGL, Qt graphic libraries, and GUI tools such as AppWizard and SquareLine for you to easily create embedded system GUI. Today, we will give you a quick introduction of three of the NuMaker-HMI evaluation boards. ● NuMaker-HMI-M467 ● NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 ● NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #GUI #NuMicro #MCU #NuMaker-HMI-M467 #NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Seminar  Watch time - 3:18
AppWizard is a graphic human-machine interface design tool that supports the emWin graphics library. This tool allows GUI design and development to be completed with minimal coding using a drag-and-drop interface and settings. This demo showcases the use of the AppWizard tool with the M467 development platform to design an electric bicycle dashboard interface. Therefore, the video will be divided into two parts: the M467 development platform introduction and the key features of the AppWizard. #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #Nuvoton #E-bike #Dashboard #emWin AppWizard #NuMicro #MCU #M467 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Application  Seminar  Watch time - 21:8
IoT Security Services: Create Value with Security by Design and Security Lifecycle Management Yan-Tarō Clochard Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and Sales VP North Asia, Secure-IC The prerequisite for robust and sustainable security is to generalize IoT/OT security by design, natively from the chip, and to manage it throughout the lifecycle of the connected device. Secure-IC will present the importance of proven cybersecurity and certification compliance through security evaluation services, as well as process and means to address security lifecycle management issues. Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us:
Application  Seminar  Watch time - 24:22
Bringing Security to the IoT with PSA Certified Jim Carver Senior Business Development Manager, Arm Inc. In this course you will learn how PSA Certified is transforming security in the Internet of Things. You will learn how PSA Certified can help protect your products and your company from bad actors by leveraging best security practices which are then evaluated by leading, independent security laboratories. You will also learn how PSA Certified products from Nuvoton can help you meet existing and emerging security standards and regulations. Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us:
Application  Learning  Seminar  Seminar  Watch time - 3:38
Client Testimonial: M2354 Based, AMI Standard Compliant Smart Meter Suik Hwang CEO, Security Platform Inc., Korea Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Learning #M2354 #M2351 #M261
Product  Application  Learning  Seminar  Seminar  Watch time - 20:58
MCU Security Features for IoT Security Ming-Nan Cheng Program Director, Microcontroller Application Business Group, Nuvoton Technology Corporation As the bottom layer of IoT system, how IoT devices protect the authenticity and integrity of data is the foundation for the security of the entire IoT application systems. MCUs are the core components of IoT devices to process data. Therefore, the MCU must have system view of hardware and software security features to protect the data of these IoT devices, so that the upper application of the system can focus on solving other higher level IoT application issues. We will describe the types of attacks that MCUs may face on IoT devices, the security standards for evaluating MCU security levels, and the hardware security features MCUs must have to defend against these attacks. Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Learning #M2354 #M2351 #M261/M262/M263
Application  Seminar  Watch time - 17:59
Postquantum Cryptography and the NIST Competition Dr. Bo-Yin Yang Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers will arrive in maybe a decade and all our current cryptographic solutions need to be shifted to "Postquantum Cryptography (PQC)", alternatives that resist attacks by elements armed with CRQCs. This requires an overhaul of all our current crypto infrastructure, and the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been running a competition to determine the next-generation cryptographic standards. We discuss what this means for corporations facing the PQC transition and what they should be doing in the meantime. Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us:
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