
Low Voltage Fan Driver

This fan demo that we developed is based on NM18002Y. NM18002Y is composed of 8051 and 30V PN gate drivers. There are built-in comparators and 5V LDO, which can help users save PCB space and cost. A microcontroller can quickly expand various peripheral functions compared to the general ASIC IC. Based on this example, users can complete projects more quickly.

  • Features
    24V/ 2.5A/ 50W fan driver based on NM18002Y. 
    Supports PWM/Frequency/VSP input
    Support for Speed/open loop control 
    Supports analog signal detection
    Supports phase shift/soft-switching
    Current limit/Block/Over voltage protection
  • Specifications
    NM18002Y (8-bit MCU, 8051-based)
    - 30V single-phase pre driver
    - Package : QFN24
    Operating frequency: 24 MHz
    16 KB Flash/ 1 KB SRAM
    - Operating temperature: -40℃ to 105℃
    - Built-in 5V LDO/ comparator
    - Shoot-through protection
    - Under voltage lockout (UVLO)
  • System Block Diagram
Low Voltage Fan Driver-1 Low Voltage Fan Driver-2-加上長寬比例尺